

We are NOT lawyers. However our principal has worked in the legal profession since 1979 and during that 35 years plus period has gained extensive knowledge and experience.

If you have a problem or dispute it may be worth talking to us first. We can write a letter for you, start proceedings on your behalf and even represent you - with restrictions - in the County Court.

If we consider that your issue is not worth pursuing or defending we will tell you, of course if you dont want to take our advice that is something you are entitled to do but we do not believe that it is right for our clients to rack up unnecessary costs.

If we believe that you should seek the advice of a solicitor we will tell you that also, we do not have any direct relationship with solicitors nor do we take any commissions or payments from solicitors as a result of a referral.

Below are just two examples of matters where we have acted for clients in the County Court.


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Serving clients since 1999

MR W had a dispute with a national furniture showroom over defective furniture. The company sent staff to attend twice to repair the furniture but Mr W was still unhappy and asked for a refund.

After an exchange of correspondence and telephone calls with the company Mr W decided enough was enough and sought our assistance.

We could not get the matter resolved and issued proceedings for Mr W in the local County Court.

The company sent a representative to the hearing and we managed to settle the matter at the Court prior to the hearing.

Mr W had a refund if the cost of the furniture, a small sum for the inconvenience, a contribution towards our costs and the defective furniture was collected.

Mr C was introduced by a business colleague.

A few years ago Mr C had been persuaded by a neighbour to  invest in some shares which the neighbour had said would show a decent profit.

Mr C never saw the share certificate and despite continually asking for information was unable to see how his investment was progressing.

The neighbour did not respond to correspondence and we were asked to issue proceedings against her. Mr C won his case in the County Court and was awarded the full sum plus interest for three years.

This was particularly good for Mr C  as he did not have anything in writing regarding the investment.